Having a small bathroom needn’t restrict us from compromising on the decor. We might dream of a lavish basin and washing counter but often adjust with a small tap and sink due to no space. Installing vanities is rather a striking solution to this issue as the units serve the purpose of storage while enhancing the look. Single Vanities UK are now available in customized combinations to fit every space and sink, substituting the expensive decor.

Single Vanities UK

Factors to look for

If you are gearing up to install a vanity in your bathroom, you certainly need to care for its maintenance to keep the looks intact. Simply putting a cabinet and basin won’t suffice the job, as you have to examine the following factors keenly.

  • Look for cabinet material: Your vanity is designed for standing in the bathroom or washing area, which exposes it to water most of the time. The material of the cabinets is generally polished oak or teak wood covered in artistic designs. Consider wood protection coating or lamination layers to protect it from fungal attacks or pests.
  • Look for countertops: The countertops are the first attractions and are more prone to quick damage. The common tops are made of travertine or marble to withstand the water and external material reactions. Your countertops are easily exposed to water, soaps, detergents, and even makeup products, which may stain and damage them. Make sure they are laminated with sealants to provide protection from absorption. The latest models are not fixed vanity cabinets where you can remove and replace the entire top. They are relatively feasible as you can change them if damaged or remove them when plumbing repairs are required, saving the cost of exchanging the entire cabinet.
  • Don’t miss the bowl sets: The single-standing vanities are best fixed with bowl basins rather than constructing a rigid permanent one. Though you can also find in-built basin designs, the adjustable bowl sets are a modern attraction. A majority of the single vanities UKnow offer a set of bowls with different dimensions and designs to change as per need. They are made of thick ceramic and are easy to fix and remove instantly.

In addition, to these major factors, you can also look for the patterns among the corner vanity or standalone designs according to your bathroom orientation. The latest models are also accompanied by chrome plugs and mixer taps to facilitate a dry basin and sophisticated look. Such vanities are undoubtedly fit to serve varied purposes in every bathroom, small or big.